My Role

My Role

What did I do?


    I played a big role in the planning process of our project. In fact, we had two different plots for our final project, and I came up with both of them, which were the plots of the two projects and the little girl going missing (the one we chose). When it was time to storyboard, I LOCKED IN! Instantly, I was on my MacBook in my notes app, ready to begin typing, and I tried to be as fast as possible. Both of the plots largely inspired my taste in movies, such as The Black Phone and Creep. I've watched my fair share of horror movies, so it came naturally to me. I set deadlines for everyone to finish their work on time before the due dates so we were all able to include them in our blogs, and I made sure we had days to film because I knew that we would easily fall behind if I did not do something. Additionally, my house was the original filming location, and I had to make a lot of adjustments in my schedule for them to be able to come over.


    I was the main actor/protagonist of our film, Hailey, the little girl you can see in our final project. I did have to sacrifice my desire to not act because I would fit the role the most, but it's okay since we worked it all out! It took me a long time to prepare and create her costume. For example, I had to put my hair into pigtails with a butterfly clip, put on glasses, put on bracelets, put on a yellow shirt, put on jean shorts, put on knee-high socks, and put on platform sneakers. I brought the props for Hailey, which were her backpack and dolls, having to rummage through my closet for these items since I had not seen them for years. Moreover, I retrieved the skull mask for Jason's costume since he is an antagonist, which was borrowed from our friend. However, this did not limit my filming as I was directing them how to film my character while suggesting different shots, such as the overhead shot and point of view shot at the end where Hailey is grabbed by the kidnapper. I tried to incorporate my ideals while being the actor to drive my ideal project home.


    Although I did not do the editing, I made a lot of suggestions for it to be changed. I found the music for our film because the original one was way too jazzy, so I opted for more happy/babyish music. Additionally, I asked for the title sequence to be swapped from the beginning to the end because I wanted it to fit the horror movie conventions where the title sequence occurs after a huge event has occurred that hints at the conflict of the movie.

    Thanks for reading! LET'S FINISH THIS PROJECT!


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