

Movies That Made This Happen

    Creep and Black Phone were some of the best horror movies we've ever seen and it helped us so much with our opening sequence. I am so grateful, so I must talk about them and how they inspired us!

Creep (2014) Directed by Patrick Brice

    It was a random Saturday night, and me and my friends were scrolling through Netflix, trying to find a movie and we clicked on Creep because the picture looked creepy. We thought we weren't going to like it and that we would go find another movie super fast, but WE LOVED IT. This changed the way we viewed horror movies. It was a first-person perspective movie that centers around a guy named Aaron who picked up a job to film a man named Josef and he discovers weird things about him. Slowly, his weird hobbies are revealed as his wolf mask is worn by him and he talks about his strange fetishes. Aaron begins to get an unsettling vibe and tries to escape from Josef, but he stalks him and finds his home (he grows some sort of obsession) and he finally kills Aaron at the end and takes over his name. Josef puts a tape in a closet titled "Aaron" with other tapes with other names. This inspired us to have a P.O.V. shot because the film was completely in P.O.V. as we are shown Aaron's perspective through his camera as he experiences strange occurrences from Josef, so it helped us to display Hailey's emotions as she feels she is being watched as she searches for the masked man until she is kidnapped. Plus, this also encouraged us to use a masked man as the antagonist because the wolf mask of the movie freaked us out so much even though it wasn't scary, so we wanted the same effect of having some sort of mystery. Therefore, this was a huge inspiration for us!

    Note: Did you know the actor Aaron is also the director of the movie?

Black Phone (2021) Directed by Scott Derrickson

    The title sequence was so cool with the dramatic cuts with a bunch of establishing shots and close-ups of different things like missing posters, balloons, a scraped knee, and broken bottles. This was definitely the movie that helped us decide to do a missing-person concept. It wasn't just a basic missing person movie, but it was somewhat supernatural as the protagonist could speak to the ghost of other children who were kidnapped by the same person and killed. They give him tips on how to survive through a black phone in the wall that is not supposed to work anymore. I love the mask of the antagonist since he wore a distorted face with a big smile and horns, which definitely freaked me out. This has been the only missing person movie that truly scared me since it involved so many children of different ages who were killed by this man who wasn't caught for years. Plus, he kidnapped them by dragging them in his van, luring them with black balloons, so it caught my attention. Overall, this movie was an extreme emotional rollercoaster. Honestly, this greatly inspired our old plot with two mentally unstable brothers where one goes busy, which dealt with strong fights. Sadly, we could not continue filming this. Nevertheless, I carried its legacy to our new project by incorporating kidnapping, missing-person reports on the radio, and a masked antagonist to set the mood. Hence, I greatly recommend Black Phone to anyone and it also helped us find the perfect plot for our opening sequence!

    Thank you for reading! :)


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