

The time has come

Editing Process and Details

    Let's discuss the process of editing! Thanks to Jaden, for our editing software, we have Adobe Premiere Pro because he has Comm Tech. As a result, Jaden is our primary editor, but we will all help him along the way. Don't worry! However, I would say we aren't completely done with filming, but we have most of our shots, so as we edit, we will find missing components and will film for more shots to fill in our blank spots and make it more cohesive. In fact, this was one of our issues with editing because we found a substantial number of issues with our filming (we definitely need more and longer shots). The longer the shot, the more control we have over editing and the length of the clips. Hence, we will meet again to discuss the shots we are missing or need refilming and return to editing. Additionally, we exceeded our time of two minutes because we made it too long with the room, car, and playground scenes (MOSTLY PLAYGROUND). We really wanted to max on mise-on-scene (the reason why we went over two minutes) and didn't concentrate as much on the type of camera angles, so we will refilm. Thus, we reviewed all the video clips together and decided which ones to cut/which were unnecessary. Overall, we need to fix our issues with our videos, in general, to complete our editing.

Editing Effects and Transitions

    For the editing effects, we didn't do too many things out of our reach, like Photoshop or editing things inside the shots. Nonetheless, we added filtering. For example, we lowered the brightness and exposure and made the scene cooler for the playground scene because we filmed it during 3:00-5:00PM, so it was extremely warm-toned and bright, so it felt way too happy for the kidnapping that would happen. During the car scene, we also increased the brightness since it was too dark, we couldn't fit our filming light, and it needed to be connected to an outlet. Furthermore, we added text in the bottom corners of our screen for our filming credits, such as who directed, who filmed, who edited, and who acted with a slight shadow and black outline to make it stand out. Next, the editing transitions we have currently include a dissolve from the car (driving) shot to the playground to show a passage of time has passed without having to make the scene too long and jump cuts when she takes out her dolls to make the scene catch the audience's attention while speeding up the scene. Therefore, these are our editing effects and transitions as of now!

    Thanks for reading! I will be uploading another blog soon, so keep your eye out, bloggers.

Pictures During Editing:


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