Editing Post 2

Editing Post 2

Locking in

    Editing is the last obstacle of our final project until we reach our Creative Critical Reflection (CCR), but that is a later problem. Unfortunately, we were unable to meet up in person after school to edit because of our schedules, especially with having to finish every single aspect of our project including other assignments. Thus, Jason and Jaden (our main editors) met up after school because they live near each other to edit the rest of the video and we all met up at school to discuss and fix certain parts of the video. Moreover, we were able to also FaceTime and video call on Discord to make changes to our final project. We tried our hardest to make sure everyone was involved in the editing and was able to give their own opinion and advice. As I mentioned, we changed to CapCut for our editing because Adobe Premiere Pro was extremely difficult to use, so it was hard to implement our suggestions. Nonetheless, editing went smoothly and I am very proud of all of us.

    Editing was exhausting, and it took a total of four hours, but I expected it to take longer. As a matter of fact, we did take another take of filming (refer to my blog "Day 3 of Shooting") because we did not have enough shots and thought it was crucial to have an establishing scene where Hailey is inside her home, so the audience is able to get into a glimpse of her life and use the props inside her room to analyze and figure out her character.

    We made a bunch of changes for our editing this time. For our title sequence, we decided to put it at the beginning and instead put the text on top of the first shot when Hailey is playing with dolls, and we added text on the corners of the shots to exhibit our credits for who did what with white text. Then, we added a fade-in and-out when Tim (Father) closes the door, and Hailey steps out to transition to when they are inside the car. After they go into the car, the radio begins to play. We did this by recording the audio with Jason's voice, using a voice changer to alter it to a woman's voice, and creating a J-cut to bridge to the next scene without having to show the entire car ride. Happy music is added once Hailey is no longer in the car and starts to walk and play at the park to evoke a cheerful mood, which soon fades into eerie music as the masked man (Anthony) creeps behind her. Hailey soon feels someone's presence, and her heart begins to race (we added a heartbeat noise). She is finally kidnapped, which is emphasized by a loud and scary noise that cuts to black. Since we were at a public place, we had to edit out a lot of the noise and added our own Foleys and sounds from the internet, such as footsteps and leaves crunching. Overall, our editing has gotten music better, and our film has improved by miles!

    Thanks for reading!



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