Day 3 of Shooting

Day 3 of Shooting

Time to wrap it up!

    Hello!!! The end is near. It's time to finish filming with Day 3.

House Shooting

    After our playground scene, we needed to film the rest of our opening sequence, which begins with the establishing shot inside Hailey's room and her home as she gets ready to go to the playground and the drive there. Unfortunately, we could not film at my house, which was the original plan because my parents started construction in our kitchen, so my house was off-limits. Thankfully, Jason said we could film at his house and he has a sister, so we had a room that was girly for Hailey. We began with setting up all our equipment by putting the camera and light in the corner of the room and positioning it to face the bed. We adjusted the light to warm color to resemble sunlight and placed little figures on the desk and a big teddy bear next to the bed. Then, we began filming and it took a few takes because it was difficult to cue Jaden (the Father's actor) to say Hailey's name and make sure it also sounded like he was far away. However, we had Logan film and Jason was outside the door to give Jaden a signal when to say Hailey's name after I was finished saying my lines, so I could pack all my stuff and leave the room. It was a bit awkward because I had to play with dolls and act like a camera wasn't there. I hope I looked as natural as possible.

    We were finally out of the room and moved all the equipment to the front door and we filmed Hailey tying her shoe and her Father calling her out to go to the car. This was pretty easy and it did not take long to film because we planned since Jaden needed a cue when to come in, so we set a 20-second timer for me to tie my shoe, then Jaden would come in after that time was up. The only issue I had was typing my shoe because my nails kept getting stuck in the loops of the laces, so I felt a bit rushed and didn't want to mess up. Nonetheless, it was fine and the time was enough, so everything worked out.

Car Shooting

    For the car scene, we shot Hailey and her Father walking, opening the door, and getting into the car. Then, it shows a ground-level shot of the car driving away. The car scene was incredibly awkward because we had to sit there silently while driving around. This was our radio scene where it would play a woman or man reporting about the increase of missing children, so we had to make sure it was long enough to fit the sound that we would add. We all had to hold in our laughter because we were sitting in dead silence. I'm glad it only showed the back of our heads because I was secretly smiling. We also drove around looking at other location spots and another playground, thinking about reshooting our playground scene but there were children, so we had to leave.

    This was the least hectic day of filming and we were just finishing up. We sat together and just talked afterward and looked at some of the footage while also figuring out the mic, so we could make some Foleys. In summary, it was very successful, easy, and a day to just relax a little bit. Thanks for reading!




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