New Character Analysis

New Character Analysis

Main and Side Character Analysis

    It is a little confusing after changing our plot, so of course, I need to reintroduce everything. I need to explain our new characters, so you don't sit in confusion about who these characters are. Honestly, I'm still trying to figure it out too, but it will naturally change as we go with the flow.

Main Characters

  • Hailey (Protagonist)

    Hailey is the main character of our film and it is centered around her. She is a round and dynamic character as she grows as a person as the film progresses. For her appearance, she has pigtails and glasses with a yellow shirt with cartoon characters, jean shorts, knee-high socks, sneakers, a butterfly clip, and different colorful bracelets. Moreover, she has a backpack full of dolls with a cat keychain as her prop. It is clear that she is young from her childish and bright outfit and that she loves playing with toys from her props. From the opening sequence, it is obvious that she is a happy, bubbly, and bright little girl, as she joyfully goes to the playground and plays with her dolls. She always has a smile on her face and responds happily and loudly to her father. Additionally, she is independent as she plays alone at the playground and it seems that she doesn't have any siblings or friends to play with, but she remains positive. However, after she gets kidnapped by Anthony (a masked man), her character goes through incredible character growth as she learns to become stronger and figure out ways to gain the motivation to break free from her kidnapper and save the other children with her. She makes friends along the way and they stay motivated to get help. To elaborate, she goes through an emotional journey as she breaks down from fear and sadness, but she regains her strength and courage and helps others around her, and it is clear she is not the same bubbly little girl anymore. Basically, she becomes mentally unstable but gains her mental stability back and remains sane. Therefore, she was once a vulnerable little girl but is now a girl who has the determination to save other children and escape from her kidnapper.

  • Anthony (Antagonist)

    Anthony who is the masked man is the antagonist and he is in conflict with the protagonist as he kidnaps her and she struggles to escape from his grasp. He is a round, dynamic, and stock character. In more detail, he wears a black hoodie, pants, and shoes, with a skull mask, and without the mask, he has messy, unwashed hair and a grown-out beard. It is clear that he is not mentally stable and cannot take care of himself. His character exhibits psychotic behavior as he kidnaps children with the motive to watch them suffer like he did as a child, but he is also extremely cunning and intelligent as he covers his tracks and makes sure nobody escapes from him. He lacks any sort of empathy as he keeps them in a dirty basement with little food. After he is caught, he is extremely distraught and breaks down in tears and hysterical laughter as he thought he would never be caught. His attitude changes and his pride is extremely hurt as he experiences rage from losing, and he thinks he did nothing wrong. He goes through very little character development as he still thinks he did nothing wrong, but when he is caught, it changes the way he thinks about himself, causing him to break down. Moreover, this character is very stereotypical as it is common for a masked man dressed in black to be the antagonist, the villain because his identity is concealed with a scary mask and he is stressed in a color associated with evil and death, so it can automatically be assumed he is dangerous. His mask exhibits that he wants to remain anonymous to ensure he doesn't get caught in his cruel acts and it leaves some sort of uncertainty over who he is. Overall, he remains an evil character till the end even if he is defeated.

Side Characters

  • Tim (Side Character)

    Tim is the father of Hailey, the only side character, and he helps move the plot forward and develop Hailey's character. He has a clean haircut with glasses and wears a white polo, sweatpants, and sandals and this illustrates that he is very lazy and somewhat careless with his comfortable and mismatched outfit. It looks like he threw an outfit together without any thought. The only prop that he has is his car keys, but it definitely displays that he is older and is responsible for Hailey since he drives her to the playground. Although it seems that he is a flat and static character, he is actually a round and dynamic character. He begins as a very arrogant father who seems oblivious about his child as he ignores the missing child reports and allows his daughter to go out and play alone. Moreover, he doesn't watch her at the playground and simply drops her off. After she gets kidnapped, he realizes his mistakes, apologizes to Hailey, and hugs her, strengthening their relationship and also showing extreme character development as he changes as a father toward Hailey. Additionally, he speaks impatiently and strongly and he is mentally stable, sane, and he holds no motives at the beginning, but strives to protect and cherish Hailey at the end. Overall, his character changes for the better as he becomes a good father figure to Hailey.

    Thanks for reading! I hope it is easier to understand our characters now!


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