Supporting Characters

Supporting Characters

The only and only...Anna Miller!!!

    Anna Miller is a very trustful and soft character added in to balance the disarrayed mental states of the two brothers, who are the main characters of our story. In more detail, she is a flat and static character. She has soft features with clean makeup consisting of mascara, lipgloss, a slight blush, and straight eyebrows. Her costume is a blue shirt, denim jeans, and white and brown sandals, and her hair is in a mid-high ponytail. Moreover, the only prop that she has is a phone, which is used for the phone call between her and Jaden Davis when he talks about the disappearance of his brother (Jason Davis) and the strange occurrences that have been happening around him. Thus, she is a simple and pleasant person, supporting the two brothers and their journey.

    My group wanted Anna to be the comforting character, providing a safe space for both brothers to rely on and come to for their problems. During the phone call, we want to make sure that it is clear her personality is calming and caring. She communicates in a slow manner, soft, and calming voice to Jaden as she tries to calm him down and console him, showing her motherly nature. In fact, she is aware of her own emotions and knows how to control them, giving her a stable mental state. Additionally, she is sane, not mentally ill, and sensible, and it is clear when you compare her to the other brothers who are not in the right state of mind. She has no ulterior motives, and her only motivation is to calm down Jaden and help him find Jason, as she is also scared about what he's going to do now that he is alone and not under control or supervision. Overall, her character is represented by her blue outfit since blue is associated with honesty, trustworthiness, and peace. As the end of the film approaches, she has little relevancy in the film since she is a static character, and does not have any character development as her attitude and personality do not shift as a result of the story unfolding. Hence, she is a minor side character that is used as a stepping stone to help emphasize the characters of the two brothers.

    Thanks for reading!


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