Main Character Analysis

 Main Character Analysis

Jason Davis (Brother 1):

    Jason Davis is the psychotic and mentally ill brother and he is the antagonist and one of the protagonists along with his brother since it focuses on their lives. He is a round and dynamic character. For instance, he is an insanely complex character with a crazy, spontaneous, unempathetic personality that leaves him and his brother in a predicament the entire time that develops throughout the film to reveal his vulnerability and emotions. The brother is weird, insecure, and timid, and speaks in a rapid and crazy manner and it is clear that he has some sort of mental illness. For example, his costume helps build this up as he wears all black to help show the darkness and evilness as he transforms into this insane person who rebels against his brother and suddenly disappears. Plus, he has messy, dirty hair with a bit of beard hair growing to exhibit his messiness and inability to take care of himself, which allows greater emphasis on the difference between him and Jaden Davis (his brother), who is more well-kept, making him his foil. His props consist of a backpack and clothes for the scene when he packs his bags with clothes as he runs away after arguing with his brother and a bottle of pills (the ones from the pharmacist) to suggest that he has an illness from the prescribed medication he is taking that he throws and refuses to take. By the end of the film, his character develops and regrets murdering his brother and realizes that he only had pure intentions for him, changing his point-of-view of life. Towards the end, he realizes his mistakes, grieves deeply from his once sociopathic self, and opens up to his brother as his life slips away. Thus, he is a deep character with many different sides to him as he goes through the obstacles of his relationship with his brother.

    Furthermore, he presents himself in a clown costume. Although it will be ambiguous and unknown as to who the masked man in the forest is, from an inside perspective, it will be Jason. Basically, his obnoxious appearance with his colorful suit with big shoes, a top hat, white gloves, a rainbow wig, a red attachable nose, and a clown mask that resembles a human and seems old and used in a dark and dull forest setting help create the unsettlingness and unpredictableness of the character, and it is clear that he is not a normal character and could have multiple personalities and personas. Moreover, the props the clown has include an axe and black trash bags to imply that he has committed a murder with the axe and is dragging around dead bodies in the trash bag, showing that he is sinister and inhumane and lacks empathy towards the lives of others. Hence, it seems that he has some sort of evil intentions and motivations to harm others and potentially his brother. It emphasizes that the character is most likely malicious, and the audience should be cautious. Thus, it is clear that he is insane and is not in the right state of mind, so it is dangerous that he is out in the open as he runs away.

Jaden David (Brother 2):

Jaden Davis, who is the first and older brother, is also one of the protagonists and is also the foil of Jason Davis. He is a round and dynamic character as he experiences depression and anxiety since his brother is missing, while still trying to remain calm, showing his composed personality. In more detail, he wears a white button-up and black business pants and shoes with a watch, a clean, slicked-back haircut, and a clean shave on his beard area to display his professionalism, properness, and perfectionism. The color of his button-up, which is white, can also imply his perfectness since this color is associated with purity, showing morality and cleanliness as he always presents himself in a good manner and does not exhibit any flaws in his actions. He is mentally stable, sane, intelligent, responsible, and speaks properly and rationally without stuttering as he is usually responsible for his brother and takes care of him, which is shown when he gives his brother his daily medication. His props consist of missing posters, a phone, and a watch. He puts missing poster props of his brother, in the beginning, to show that he has not given up on looking for his brother and truly cares about him. Moreover, it also shows his urgency and fear of his brother being alone and not under his supervision, showing his good intentions and motivation to protect his brother. Also, he had held a lot of resentment for his brother for always never seeing his true objective of wanting to help him and kept trying to fight with him but soon forgave his brother at the end of the film, which exhibits his character development. He dies being unable to be a happy family with him and wants their relationship to end on a good note as he has flashbacks about their lively childhood that was destroyed. In summary, we wanted him to display that he was essentially a flawless and reliable brother, but becomes emotional when he has conflict with his brother.


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