Filming Updates!


Slight Tweaks and Changes

    Greetings, my dear bloggers! Are you ready to hear about my opening sequence changes? Not to brag or anything, but I'm using my AICE English Language blogging skills (that I recently just learned) right now!

Inspiration from the BECON TV guy:

    A guy from BECON TV paid our class a visit around a week ago, and he actually provided so much new information and showed examples of his own program and business. For example, he showed us a video made by one of his students of a young girl wanting to be a superhero. I found it interesting that he altered and used the rule of the thirds uniquely. The girl was not in composition guidelines and instead was in the middle and below, but it helped emphasize her motivation and dreams being stripped away, making the shot look strange and that she was out of place. However, it wasn't only this, but he also showed the multiple shots used, allowing the director to have more control over how long the shots last rather than having a long shot and having to keep all of it. Additionally, the contrast in the shot where a guy in a dark room opens the curtain to reveal the daylight, making the character stand out in the darkness against the brightness, provided mystery and helped it catch my attention. Overall, I found it absolutely interesting how he incorporated basic techniques!

Borrowing from BECON TV:

    Having a professional camera will help set the mood of the movie, especially with its ability to have deep and shallow focus rather than just an iPhone camera. We are not sure which specific camera we want to borrow, but we will text him on his Instagram, see the cameras available, and talk to him to get his advice. Nevertheless, we do need to decide on certain dates to film and text him during those times because we are only able to have the equipment for about a week.

Revisions to our Film:

    Basically...we need to change our filming dates. I didn't expect the 3rd and 4th of February to pass by so quickly and we definitely did not film on those days. To be honest, I think it would be too short notice to film on the 17th and 18th. Hence, I think we need to push it to February 24th and 25th, and for extra time, March 2nd and March 3rd. Our last resort if our filming completely fails and we need to do touch-ups will most likely be during spring break (March 22-31). Moreover, we need to add more sound effects to our story whether we make it or find sounds online. In fact, the BECON TV guy explained all about the importance of sound, and it substantially helped me settle into the scenes (like the bike bell and dog collar jingling) and opened my eyes to a world of new possibilities. We definitely need a paper rustling sound in the missing poster scene when Jaden puts them up, a door-slamming sound, and a vase-shattering sound. In particular, we need an eerie spiky noise when a shadow passes behind Jaden at night to create tension and give the audience a little scare to obtain their full attention. SOUND IS IMPORTANT!

    The soundtrack is currently a bit ambiguous since we do not know how to make any type of music, so we are probably going to have to use non-copyrighted music. Plus, there was no change to the character roles as of right now, and there are no additional characters. Nonetheless, we did decide to give Anna Miller more props, such as the cup of tea and plants around her home to further demonstrate her down-to-earth personality and healing nature, which helps Jaden during his internal conflict because he misses his brother. We added better props for Anna.

    Thanks for reading, bloggers! Leave any comments, concerns, and questions in the comments. We are also open to any suggestions. Look out for my next post.


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