Day 1 of Shooting

Day 1 of Shooting

Spoiler Alert: it was half good and half bad.


Our first day of filming was definitely hectic and messy. Honestly, it was kind of a last-minute scramble to meet up since we had no footage yet, and it was already late February. We focused on the establishing shots and the scenes between Jaden and Jason since they came over to my house. HOWEVER, tomorrow on Friday, we are actually going to lock in because we will have our side character, which is Anna Miller, played by our dear friend Melissa, and Rafael and Isabella are all going to assist with filming. Additionally, Jaden is most likely driving to BECON TV with Jason to get equipment for us, such as a camera, lights, and a microphone. Thus, hopefully, tomorrow will be better.


After school, we all gathered at my house and started at 5PM after I came home from mentoring at an elementary school. We began by crafting a missing person poster of Jason and printed it up after a lot of debate over how it should look and went outside to find a lamp post. Jaden changed into a black shirt, and we took many takes of him putting up the poster, including close-ups of the poster for better detail and context. Furthermore, we also took videos of some extreme-wide shots to make him look isolated and alone. IT TOOK SOOOO MANY TAKES BECAUSE WE KEPT LAUGHING OR TALKING DURING THE SHOOTS. We decided to improvise a little, and I suggested we film a scene of Jason in a black hoodie ripping off the poster to imply that the first brother wants to stay secluded and alone. Sadly, we had to use an iPhone camera in cinematic mode, but it was not as bad as we thought, besides the focusing. Then, we went back inside to shoot the fight scene between Jaden and Jason Davis after a quick outfit change into a white button-up for Jaden. With the script unmemorized, we did not get far, and it seemed extremely corny and embarrassing. Plus, it was turning dark outside, so the camera quality instantly failed, and the autofocus was bad since we didn't have proper mics near them, and there was also other uncontrolled noise.

Further Shooting and Reshoots

    Some of the shots we got today were actually golden, like the part where Jason comes up to the lamp post, rips the poster down, crumbles it, and drops it on the ground after Jaden puts it up. Nonetheless, we concluded that we need professional equipment, so Jaden and Jason will be retrieving it on Friday (tomorrow), and we will reshoot any of the scenes we messed up. Also, we filmed it during the sunset, so it wasn't completely dark, making it not as scary or eerie. We will definitely be filming later in the day next time. The rest of the filming will be continued on February 22nd and February 24th, with potential other days that will be added to perfect the rest of the filming. On February 22nd, we will finish the fight scene and film the phone call between Anna and Jaden as Melissa is coming. Lastly, on February 24th, we will be filming the ending scene. It is definitely the most important, and we already found a forest and are borrowing a camcorder from our friend. Any other days we film will be reserved for minor touch-ups and extra shots. We got this in the bag!

Anyway, feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments below! Thank you for reading, and look out for my next blog! BYEEE BLOGGERS!

Pictures During Filming:


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