Initial Storyboard

Initial Storyboard

    During the last class, we had a whole conversation about the story, and to be honest...we had a bunch of misunderstandings about the plot of the story. Obviously, we cleared it up and planned accordingly. In fact, we spent an hour straight deciding on the story and brainstorming our ideas after changing our genre to horror/mystery. We decided on a total of twenty-seven shots and split it among the four of us, and we agreed on the different shots. I did shots 1-7 with the film credits on the left of who it stars, the directors, and editors, and establishing and first shots, Afifa Risha did shots 8-14 with the brothers fighting in the flashback, Jason Truong did shots 15-21 with the ending of the flashback and the start of the phone call, and Jaden Dinh did shots 22-27 with the rest of the phone call and ambiguous ending with the guy in the mask at the end as he switches off the camera. Afifa and I digitally drew it, while Jason and Jaden used paper and pencil for the storyboard. Overall, we have our main ideas done, but there are still a bunch of things to fix as filming approaches, and we run into issues. Honestly, we also need to make it more cohesive and make sure it fits within the time limit since it is a bunch of content right now.

    Basically, the story follows two brothers. First, it begins when the first brother is seen putting up missing person posters of the second brother outside their house on the fence at night time with an establishing shot and ambient sound. Then, there's a close-up to have a better look at the posters. As it shows the first brother's face, something passes behind him with fast eerie music that disappears quickly, and he turns around only to see nothing, which makes the audience wonder who the person who passed behind him is. Then, it transitions to a flashback by using a white wash to a boiling kettle. A sudden smash cut is used when the bottles fall to the floor as the brothers are heard arguing, and the brothers are shown arguing in two shots with a two-person shot and a Dutch angle to show distortion as it reveals the second brother is mentally ill. The second brother throws stuff, packs his bags, and leaves with the use of jump cuts to show heightened energy, and it transitions back to the present as the door closes with a passing transition. Next, the first brother takes out his phone and calls his friend about his missing brother with cross-cuts with a vase mysterious dropping behind him to indicate strange things are happening. Lastly, an eerie shot with a camcorder is shown of a masked person with an axe and mystery black bag with possibly a dead body as he turns off the camera until black static is shown, giving an ambiguous opening scene.


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