Final Project Mood Board

Final Project Mood Board

    In my mood board, I was trying to capture an eerie feeling that was realistic and unusual. For example, maybe something similar to The Black Phone (2021) and Creep (2014) since these movies were not supernatural or dealt with ghosts but had the horror element in the realistic fiction settings, like kidnappings and sketchy job hirings, basically dealing with psychopaths. We chose this feeling for our film opening because it creates paranoia since it deals with real-life topics that could easily happen with unsettling thriller rather than dramatic and explosive horror. I am an absolute horror fanatic, and it's hard to find actually scary movies, but the ones that were slightly psychological had an everlasting impact on me and my friends. I wanted to capture basic horror with stuff that can be found regularly, like the axe and missing person's posters. It is slightly basic, but creating slow-burn horror that builds up throughout the film with eerie scenes makes the audience, like me, wonder when the story will become twisted.

    For my mood board, I included many typical horror elements, but let me explain the uniqueness and importance of it. For instance, the setting consists of common locations, like the sidewalk, a house, and a forest, connecting horror to these places, where crimes usually take place, creating familiarity and fear. Moreover, the pill props might suggest one of the characters is mentally unstable and has some sort of mental illness. The note stating, "You didn't even try to save me, " hints at a secret backstory with another character. Additionally, the camcorder might be used for a P.O.V. scene to make it more realistic, like someone is experiencing it, and the axe suggests a gruesome scene. Plus, the combination of the missing person posters and headings and the definition of the psychopath will connect to each other and play hand in hand with the crazy main character. Lastly, the weird wolf-masked human at the bottom and Jason Vorhees with low-key lighting will be the inspiration for the villain and lighting, and the eye is like a representation of anxiety and insanity. Honestly, right now, I'm not completely sure about the outfitting, but I picked a black outfit for the main character since he will be our psychopath, and the brother will have a more proper and neat outfit to represent his meticulous behavior. Of course, there were two black figures together to show that the opening will be about two brothers. Overall, I just want something that will be slowly spine-chilling with small, important details.


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