Final Project Idea

Final Project Idea

    After much consideration and trouble, we have finally decided on a FINAL PROJECT IDEA!!! In my last blog, I said that we were heavily considering and almost decided on doing the funeral/mystery idea, but after thinking, we felt like we would have so much trouble figuring out a specific plot and opening. We were thinking of a plot twist of him maybe having people after him, which is why he is pretending he is dead. However, it did not work out at all, and we just came up with a bunch of useless ideas. Anyway, our final idea surrounds a missing person and their kidnapper, potentially in an animal mask with a genre of mystery and thriller, which is inspired by Creep (2014), directed by Patrick Brice, which is about a man who gets hired to film someone, but the person slowly gets weirder, and the movie turns disturbing. Me and Jason watched it without friends and it left a major impact on our thriller/horror genre outlook, especially with the POV filming style. Therefore, we wanted to incorporate this idea, and our other group members, Jaden and Afifa, agreed.

    Obviously, the opening sequence is going to fit the typical missing person movie look of missing posters, maybe police involved, and a glimpse or description of the killer to forebode the rest of the plot to fit the basic conventions and establish the mystery and horror genre clearly. I think our plan for the movie to make it more different is to maybe have it filmed as if we are watching the story happen, but then cut to a bad quality filming of the killer in a POV shot, which makes it eerie. Basically, it switches from watching it to feeling like we are actually experiencing it. It makes the audience wonder who is filming and the dangerous person behind the mask in this strange cut. Thus, it makes them ask questions like "Is that the kidnapper?" and "What is happening?". It leaves a bit of a cliffhanger from the opening and intrigues the audience to continue watching and wonder what the ending will be like. Maybe the missing person was the person behind the mask the entire time - who knows? In summary, that is our plan for now, but we are not 100% sure right now, and we don't know how to make it super distinguishable from other movies involving a missing person. We will be diligently brainstorming until then!


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