Camera Shots and Angles Post

Camera Shots and Angles Post 1. Establishing Shot I was kind of shy about having my face in all the videos, so I thought an establishing shot would be an excellent way to balance it out. In fact, establishing shots are usually used to introduce a location and to show where the action is taking place. Plus. also gives information about what time it is and what time of year it is. It was easy to film, although it was a bit too hot outside, but the weather was perfect for the shot. I chose pretty scenery and recorded it while it was still sunny and windy so it could evoke a calming mood while still showing a specific location. Hence, from the establishing shot, it is clear that it is currently the afternoon in a place with a lot of nature in a relaxing environment. 2. Eye Level Shot The eye-level shot feels as if you are looking through the lens of someone who is looking directly at me. It enables the audience to clearly see my emotions. Trying to film the eye-level shot was very awkward,...